When I found myself in this unknown ocean, I met her. Naija. A being different from earthlings and inhabitants of the Ocean Planet.
While exploring the Aquaria waters to find Li, my lover, I met her. Neri. She looks like Li, but she doesn't need a strange costume to breathe underwater.
Naija and I have a lot in common. She's looking for her kind and her family. I also sought out my origins and discovered that I have a younger sister, Mera, and that I am of noble blood. I'm the future queen of the Ocean Planet.
Neri is very different from me. We don't speak the same language but we still manage to understand each other. I love showing her the beauties of Aquaria, but there are also its dangers.
Naija is incredible. She can sing and transform into different forms to face the dangers of her world. She taught me that it's called Aquaria. She wonders if I, too, can sing the notes of the Verse. I don't think I have such a power.
Neri might sing but nothing happens. It's too bad. I tell her I have to find Li and she wants to help me.
I wanted to help Naija find her lover but then I found myself back under the Earth's ocean. I try to return to the Aquaria waters but I cannot do it.
Neri disappeared, just as she had appeared in my world. I'll probably never see her again. I don't know why but I'm deeply saddened. Neri and I have something between us. Something strong, something powerful.
I am sad. Naija and I have a bond. A powerful bond, like the one I have with Charlie the whale. Not friendship or love, but something else. Charlie, sensing my pain, comes to me and sings. So I sing one of the songs Naija taught me. The Shield Song.
Suddenly, I see Li in the distance. We join together in an embrace. Li senses that I'm sad, but I can't explain why. Instead, I start singing the Verse’s notes.
I can't believe it. The magic shield appeared around me. On Earth, I can use the power of Aquaria's Verse. As Naija told me, the Verse flows through Aquaria. It flows through every wave, every ripple. It unites all.
As I sing, I feel Neri's presence. She's fine. I smile at Li. I'm reassured. The Verse unites all. We'll meet again one day, my good friend.